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Title I

Comments Sought on Federal Funds

Every year the Windham Exempted Village School District receives funds from the federal government to provide various educational services. District administrators invite comments from the public regarding the services listed below. Please call the Windham Board of Education office at 330-326-2711 or visit us at 9530 Bauer Avenue, Windham, Ohio 44288

Title I, Helping Disadvantaged Children Meet High Standards monies provide supplemental instruction in reading, language arts and mathematics to students in all buildings that meet project criteria for service. Funds support staff for services to families and children and purchase equipment and supplies.

Title II A, Teacher and Principal Quality, provides monies to “increase student achievement by elevating teacher and principal quality through recruitment, hiring and retention strategies.”

Title Part B (VI-B), Early Childhood Special Education monies provide services, support staff, materials and equipment for preschool and school- age students with disabilities.
All federally funded programs provide for participation of non-public schools.

School Improvement Sub A, Title I, monies provide support staff, materials, and services for research based interventions, including but not limited to, extended learning time.


Ohio’s strategy for developing a unified statewide process is the Ohio Improvement Process. The objective of the OIP is that collaborative teams at the district (District Leadership Team), building (Building Leadership Teams) and classroom levels (Teacher Based Teams) be organized: to use data to assess the impact of instruction on student learning; to identify gaps and trends in student performance and make decisions regarding curriculum, instruction, assessment, intervention and professional development; and to use building and classroom data to consistently monitor progress in meeting indicators that are designed to close achievement gap sand contribute to the success of all children.

The Windham Exempted Village Schools have been involved in the Ohio Improvement Process since the 2009 school year in collaboration with SST8 support team from Summit County ESC. Information contained on this page and throughout this website contain information about the legal rights and notifications for parents and students concerning some of the programs and funding for improvement models under the Ohio School Improvement process.


 Additional information on:

  • Parent Participation in Title I programs
  • Title I--Parent's Right to Know
  • Ohio's Supports for School Improvement

can be found under the FORMS/LINKS quick link