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Current Objectives

*4th Grade Ohio's New Learning Standards for Social Studies

*Current content standards that we are addressing


Students will be able to:

-create a timeline of significant events in Ohio and the United States. (4.H.1)


-differentiate between primary & secondary sources which are used to create historical narratives. (4.H.2)


-research various groups of peaople that have lived in Ohio over time including American Indians, migrating settlers and immigrants and discover that interactions among these groups have resulted in cooperation, conflict, and compromise. (4.H.3)


-understand that the 13 colonies came together around a common cause of liberty and justice, uniting to fight for independence during the American Revolution and to form a new nation. (4.H.4)


-understand that the Northwest Ordinance incorporated democratic ideals into the territories and that it provided a process for territoriesto become states and recognized them as equal to the other existing states. (4.H.5)


-realize that ongoing conflicts on the Ohio frontier with American Indians and Great Britain contributed to the United States' involvement in the War of 1812. (4.H.6)


-understand that following the War of 1812, Ohio continued to play a key role in national conflicts including the anti-slavery movement and the Underground Railroad. (4.H.7)


-explain that many technological innovations that originated in Ohio benefitted the United States. (4.H.8)


-understand that a map scale and cardinal and intermediate directions can be used to desvribe the relative location of physical and human characteristics of Ohio and the United States. (4.GE.9)


-explain how the economic develpment of the United States continues to influence and be influenced by agriculture, industry and natural resources in Ohio. (4.GE.10)


-recognize how the regions of the United States known as the North, South and West developed in the early 1800s largely based on their physical environments and economies. (4.GE.11)


-understand how people have modified the environment throughout history resulting in both positive and negative consequences in Ohio and the United States. (4.GE.12)


-understand how the population of the United States has changed over time, becoming more diverse - racial, ethnic, linguisic, religious - Ohio's population has become increasingly reflective of the multicultural diversity of the United States. (4.GE.13)


-understand that Ohio's location and its transportation systems continue to influence the movement of people, products and ideas in the United States. (4.GE.14)


-realize that individuals have a variety of opportunitiesto act in and influence their state and national government.  Citizens have both rights and responsibilities in Ohio and the United States. (4.GO.15)


-understand that civic participation in a democratic society requires individuals to make informed and reasoned decisions by accessing, evaluating and using information effectively to engage in compromise. (4.GO.16)


-know that laws can protect rights, provide benefits and assign responsibilities. (4.GO.17)


-understand that the U.S. Constitution establishes a system of limited government and protects citizens' rights; five of these rights are addressed in the First Amendment. (4.GO.18)


-understand that a constitution is a written plan for government.  The Ohio Constitution and the U.S. Constitution seperate the major responsibilities of government among three branches. (4.GO.19)


-to utilize tables and charts to organize data in a variety of formats to help individuals understand information and issues. (4.E.20)


-understand that entrepreneurs in Ohio and the United States organize productive resources and take risks to make a profit and compete with other producers. (4.E.21)


-understand that saving a portion of income contributes to an individuals' financial well-being & that individuals can reduce spending to save more of their income. (4.E.22)



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