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Current Objectives

*4th Grade Ohio's New Learning Standards for Science

*Current content standard that we are addressing

*Standards that reinforce the nature of Science investigations in support of 4th Grade Learning Standards & will be addressed all year


Students will be able to:

-follow a laboratory procedure and work collaboratively within a group using appropriate scientific tools.


-work individually, with a partner and as a team to test a scientific concept, change a variable and record the experimental outcome.


-use the scientific method to develp a solution with a predictable outcome.


-understand that 70 percent of Earth's surface is covered with water, most of which is ocean.  Only a small portion of the Earth's water is freshwater, which is found in rivers, lakes, groundwater & glaciers; Earth's surface can change due to erosion and deposition of soil, rock or sediment & catastrophic events such as flooding, volcanoes and earthquakes can create landforms. (4.ES.1)


-understand that rocks change shape, size and/or form due to water, glacial movement, freeze and thaw, wind, plant growth, acid rain, pollution and catastropic events such as earthquakes, flooding, and volcanic activity. (4.ES.2)


-discover that liquid water, wind and ice physically remove and carry rock, soil and sediment (erosion) and deposit the material in a new location (deposition). (4.ES.3)


-understand that ecosystems can change gradually or dramatically & when the environment changes, some plants and animals survive and reproduce and others die or move to new locations because ecosystems are based on interrelationships among and between biotic and abiotic factors which include the diversity of other organisms present, the availability of food and other resources, and the physical attributes of the environment. (4.LS.1)


-understand the concept of biodiversity is expanded to include different classification schemes based upon shared internal and extermal characteristics of organisms and most species that have live on Earth are extinct and that fossils provide a point of comparison between the types of organisms that lived long ago and those existing today. (4.LS.2)


-know that when an object is broken into smaller pieces, when a solid is dissolved in a liquid or when matter changes state - solid, liquid, gas - the total amount of matter remains constant. (4.PS.1)


-discover that energy transfers from hot objects to cold objects as heat, resulting in a temperature change; electric circuits require a complete loop of conducting materials through which electical energy can be transferred; electrical energy in circuits can be transformed to other forms of energy, including light, heat, sound and motion; electricity and magnetism are closely related. (4.PS.2)


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